Finally I had the time to update my equipment list. I had an equipment list from the beginning of the 2007 starting with the ED80, Orion Maksutov 90/1250, modified Canon 300D plus some small things. All this is now sold.
The new list IS;

Celestron C10-N (10’’ newton)
SkyWatcher BlackDiamond ED120/900 with the FF/FR 0,85x
Canon 70-200 F/4 L
SkyWatcher EQ6 upgraded with the new motors and SkyScan hand controller
Canon EOS 400D
Some small accessories
And that’s it!

Here is my small review of the equipment;


Well, I think that I was a very lucky to get a very good mirror. Focuser was terrible R&P (rack and pinion) and I had to replace it with the TS (originally is GSO) low profile, low-budget crayford focuser. I’m using this scope only form time to time for some Solar-system imaging, and very rarely for the Deep Sky imaging. The reason for the rarely use lays in his big volume and I don’t find it to be a good match for the EQ6. I don’t have a permanent observatory and even a slightest wind will make some trouble.
A good scope and I would like to use it a more often.

SkyWatcher BlackDiamond ED120/900 with the FF/FR 0,85x
For me the best buy telescope. It’s not triplet but his optics can be compared even with the 50% higher price triplets. Very good directly mounted FF/FR 0,85x with the M48 screw makes a very flat, even illuminated filed. The focuser looks cheap, but’s working just fine. The scope is light and good looking :D.
I don’t like that he has no retractable dew shield, so it’s big for the transportation, and it has no rotatable focuser.  Ok, no rotatable focuser and there is a little less worry that something is not squared in the optical system.

Canon 70-200 F/4 L
Extra sharp Canon lens I’m using primarily for day-time photography. Now and then, I’m using it for the astrophotography.  There are lots of relevant reviews on the web.

SkyWatcher EQ6
Well known mount :D. For me this is the BestBuy mount. The major advantage of this mount is numerous spare parts, numerous manuals andEQMOD.

Canon 400D
Primarily is for day time photography as I have QHY8 camera. Soon I will try to combine this camera + Canon 70-200 F/4 L piggyback on the ED120/900 while imaging some non-red area.

I have received it relatively cheap and I don’t regret it!! You can read a pretty good review at;
And also, have a look into my gallery 😀

A very good camera that I’m using for the Solar System astrophotography. But the primary use for this camera is for the guiding.
Have a look into my gallery for the results with this camera. 😀