
Equipment and other photo info:

Picture taken on July 7th and October 1st, 2011. Location: Petrova gora and Kapela (Bjelovar), Croatia, Europe SkyWatcher ED120/900, EQ6 SkyScan QHY8, Baader h-Alpha 7nm, TS OAG9mm, QHY5 guiding camera Exposure time: 8x900sec for hAlpha and 15x5min for RGB Processing software: Nebulosity, PixInsight 1.0 LE, Photoshop CS5
Processing software: DeepSkyStacker, PixInsight 1.0, Photoshop CS2
Object info:
M27 Dumbell nebula
More information about this object at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumbbell_Nebula